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Owner Approach

Focused on owner’s requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


Owner Approach | Conspectus


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    Architect Approach

    Focused on architect's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


    Architects | Conspectus Inc


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      Design-Builder Approach

      Focused on design-builder's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


      Design-Builders | Conspectus Inc


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        Construction Manager Approach

        Focused on construction manager's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


        Construction Managers | Conspectus Inc


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          1 min read

          Intro into the Lean Journey featuring John Zachara


          Are you on a Lean Journey? Are you familiar with what a Lean Journey is? Conspectus has been attending COPs (community of practice) events across the country. We have been learning about Lean principles, and striving to understanding the tenants. We know it is a powerful practice, that drives project success, but we want to know how the Conspectus approach aligns with Lean.  So we sat down with one of the most knowledgeable folks in the industry - John Zachara

          Lean has become a way of constructing, and even a way of life, for many teams across the country and even the world. It is a practice that is rooted in respecting people, reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and many other principles that directly align with how Conspectus approaches our projects.  We are very curious how to make the connection between the two. John Zachara, vice president at Integrated Facility Solutions in Chicago, is an consultant, practitioner, educator, and active member of LCI, Lean Construction Institute. In this episode we take a journey with him into the world of Lean, and it felt like we just scratched the surface. We will definitely be continuing the conversation with John, but right now we invite you to listen in on him chatting with our hosts, David Stutzman and Steve Gantner, along with special guest, our executive VP in Chicago, Elias Saltz, who has worked with John on past projects.  Welcome to our intro to a Lean Journey.